Thursday 20 January 2011

Bisa kali di answer. Wooooooooooooo. Mancung wooooo @michaelmike22

Bisa kali di answer. Wooooooooooooo. Mancung wooooo @michaelmike22

Answer here

Saturday 23 October 2010

asik deh yg ada cowoo baruu


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namaku MICHAEL .. bukan MICHELE -__-

iya dehh. Michael

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gaa ketemu kamu dari hari rabu :(( @MDroyel11

iyaaa ='((( @mikeroy1122

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aaa .. answer kamu banyak bangett ,, irii

weeeeeeeee. Idong, mancung =P

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hahah , , answer aku banyak gara" kamuu ,.. haha

iya dong =D

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Friday 22 October 2010

askk yaa


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